When it rains...Reschedule

I'm working on a video profile piece for photographer Kathy Tran. I met Kathy at a gig over a year ago via a mutual colleague Jessica Ayers. Kathy is full of energy, instantly likable, and her pictures are incredible.

This past weekend she was commissioned to shoot the Dallas Observer Magazine cover!  She setup the shoot at the W hotel in Dallas on Friday June 9th around 2:00 pm, but that morning it was raining, like big time. I texted her, "is it raining at the shoot location and will it change the plan?" She said "It should stop by then." Cool. I went back to sleep. Hours later as I was getting ready she responded "this rain is rescheduling everything! We are going to shoot tomorrow at 2:30." I texted back "bet." A few hours later Kathy texted back "its at 8:00 am" I say "no problem." Turns out the models couldn't make it and Kathy had to find a replacement, quickly!

working the magic

working the magic

Kathy getting some underwater shots for fun. That's the camera cage in the water.

Kathy getting some underwater shots for fun. That's the camera cage in the water.

There were a few more obstacles at the shoot but Kathy will explain that in the video soon. At the end of the day its about moving forward and getting the work done. The new Dallas Observer drops tomorrow featuring Kathy's work.

Dallas Observer Cover